
Thank-you for exploring the field of of Instructional Design with me.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Awesome ID resources

While I was searching for ID blogs and websites, I was given an introduction to the realities of the field.  There are so many great resources out there, but these are the three that I found to be most helpful for answering my questions about the field.
Instructional Design Blogs:
The first blog that I chose is titled, Instructional Design Open Studio http://id.ome.ksu.edu/blog/. The author of this blog works as an instructional designer in higher level education. The blog entries discuss best practices, financial aspects of ID, and different aspects of elearning. From the entries that I have read so far, this blog provides a practical look into instructional design. When I begin my career as an instructional designer, I will use the blog to find ideas, advice, and solutions from a professional in the field.  I will also be able to share my ideas and different techniques that I have found to be successful.
The second blog that I chose is titled, Internet Time Blog www.internettime.com/blog/archives/001083.html. This blog is also written by a professional in the field, and he has a covered a wide range of topics. Some of the blog entries include: professional articles, how to build community, learning theories, implementation practices, presentation theories, social software, and visual learning. This blog will provide a new perspective, and will also give me the opportunity to have open dialog with someone who has had many years of experience.  
Instructional design newsletter:
The last instructional design resource that I chose is an online newsletter titled, University of Florida Academic Technology http://newsletters.at.ufl.edu/topics/instructional-design. This resource includes professional articles on different ways technology can be used in higher education. Some of the articles discuss ways to use Twitter, Voicethread, GoogleDocs, Skype, and Elluminate in elearning settings. I believe this will prove to be a very valuable site, because it will allow me to see how professors and other ID professionals are using technology to benefit their students.
Visit some of these sites if you have time, and share other sites that you have found helpful.